Deja vu ypsilanti
Deja vu ypsilanti

These are all i can think of right off the bat, I'm sure there are more.

  • Citizens in the community - another obvious stakeholder is there a desire for change within the community? am I alone in thinking this would be a great thing for Ypsi? What does the wider community think?.
  • The club boasts four VIP rooms, 14 couches, and a splash of fantasy booths. With a swollen customer capacity of just over 150, the Ypsi locale whacks em and stacks em with over 30 lusty and lovely nude entertainers served up on one main stage.

    deja vu ypsilanti

  • the Deja Vu - obviously the owners and employees have a major stake here how profitable is this location for them? could a compromise be reached which would move them outside of the city without hurting their bottom line? ocated in downtown Ypsilanti is the petite Dj Vu of Ypsilanti.

    the City of Ypsilanti - the Deja Vu pays property taxes, therefore they are better for the city in that location than nothing at all I don't know if the taxes raised from the building would change with a movie theater there instead.Property owners - the Maurers, for instance, own lots of property around there, and a nice attraction like a movie theater would certainly raise property values.Does it influence our prostitution problem? I'm not sure, but it can't hurt right? Ypsi Police Department - does the Deja Vu affect the crime rates in the city? I don't know. More than 28,000 exotic dancers at Déjà Vu clubs across the country will share in a 6.5-million settlement and enjoy more employment rights under a class-action lawsuit settlement pending in.Churches - I assume religious groups in the area would support removing the Deja Vu on moral grounds I'm not sure if they would or could participate in the work.DDA - the downtown development folks obviously have a vested interest in some gentrification of the downtown area.the Historic Society - returning the Martha Washington theater to its original look (or close to it) would be a win for them.EMU - could be a nice opportunity for the school to get more involved in downtown Ypsi and potentially have their own student theater.Arts groups - the RAC for instance is nearby and may have a stake in this change.

    deja vu ypsilanti

    Who in the Ypsilanti area would be interested in and affected by swapping a stripclub for a movie theater:

    Deja vu ypsilanti